
A Lyrical Delusion

Poetry- To Allow A Free Mind



Long lost love

A long lost love I hear you say,
A man I craved that went away,
A way to cope with my own personal pain,
For he loved me without gain.

He was there for me in my tears and in plight,
And when I no longer had the will to fight,
I’d shut my eyes and see his beautiful face,
And temporarily the pain would erase.

Then one day it went away,
I didn’t fight to make it stay.
It hurt for a while that it wasn’t there,
Didn’t it love me, didn’t it care.

It’s like we were made to forget,
How we held each other and wept,
Or lifted each other up when one fell,
Two pieces of a jigsaw that worked so well.

Then different names wanted a part,
In a place they didn’t belong or start,
I remember places that are no longer there,
Lived so many lifetimes, it didn’t seem fair,
I had different names and lovers in those days,
But there was always one that always stays,
By my side never to harm,
To love, to protect to be my calm.

Looking back

I never wrote about it, I thought you would know,
I thought you would see it, I thought you’d grow,
The days when fun was never hard to find,
Where people could love and be kind,
When it wasn’t frowned upon, when it was the norm,
To hold hands and dance together in the storm.
When we could fly high through the night,
Or get visions of prophecy with our oracle sight.
There was no religion or science around,
There was nature and love and adventure to be found.
We were protectors and lovers and so much more,
With passion and hope and a keen interest to explore.


They said it’s cancer but I didn’t hear,
I looked at the man, my love sat near,
His face was blank his body numb,
Why did he ignore it, why be so dumb.

Continue reading “Cancer”

Achilles’ Heel

Eyes that look at you with desire,

Feeding a hunger they seem to inspire,

With depths of mischief and thoughts of sin,

A tingle, a shiver that starts within.

Continue reading “Achilles’ Heel”


Oblivious to feelings and people that care,

It’s easier to switch off, there’s less weight to bare,

An objective to learn and just to survive,

But a need to feel pain, so I know I’m alive.

Continue reading “Moments”

Delusional partner 

Empty, empty, why can’t you see,

The betrayal you put into me.

To feel a love that’s wasn’t real,

Like a safety within a protective seal.

Continue reading “Delusional partner “

A four letter word that means so much,
A warmth it has on those it will clutch,
But what does it truly mean?
Does it exist, can it be seen?

Continue reading “A four letter word”

Saying Goodbye

Hello, goodbye how do I say?

The ending words when someone goes away,

I want them to leave to for fill a dream,

But inside I feel like I sob and scream.

Continue reading “Saying Goodbye”

Darkness and light

The darkness comes and never leaves,

For we are nothing more than thief’s,

We steal the truth and use a lie,

To hide the secrets we defy.

Continue reading “Darkness and light”

Doomed relationship

A doomed Relationship from the start,

We’re better together & yet better apart,

A man of feeling & a woman with none,

Until tolerating it has gone.

Continue reading “Doomed relationship”

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